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タケフナイフビレッジでは、設立当初から毎年、元旦0時に「初打」という神事を行っています。“白装束に烏帽子”という厳かな姿に身を包んだ3人の職人が、昔ながらの鍛錬法「古式鍛錬」で1つの刃物を鍛え上げます。 この神事に『今年が良き一年になりますように』との願いを込めて・・・
Takefu Knife Village have a ceremony called 'Hatsuuchi' in January 1st every year.
Craftsmen wear the traditional clothing, and give the forging demonstration with traditional style
using traditional equipment. We appreciate to the last year and we wish that new year become a good year for everybody. You can visit us and see this ceremony. Also photo contest will be held as well, so please try to take nice photos!
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